Osteopath Leicester and Rutland

This page provides an overview of what osteopathy is, what osteopathic treatment involves and the regulation of osteopathy. Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions.

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It works with the structure and function of the body, and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together.

To an osteopath, for your body to work well, its structure must also work well. So osteopaths work to restore your body to a state of balance, where possible without the use of drugs or surgery. Osteopaths use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to increase the mobility of joints, to relieve muscle tension, to enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues, and to help your body’s own healing mechanisms. They may also provide advice on posture and exercise to aid recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring.

Who and what do osteopaths treat?

Osteopaths’ patients include the young, older people, manual workers, office professionals, pregnant women, children and sports people. Patients seek treatment for a wide variety of conditions, including back pain, repetitive strain injury, changes to posture in pregnancy, postural problems caused by driving or work strain, the pain of arthritis and sports injuries.

Osteopathy information provided by the GOsC Website


New Patient Osteopathy £50.00

Follow up Osteopathy £40.00

Call for help now! 07739 828 664 Or Book Online


A Visit to: MSK Osteopath, Uppingham

A Visit to: MSK Osteopath, UppinghamRead how a patient had a positive experience with MSK Osteopath in Uppingham, where the...
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Leg Osteopathy

High Arches and Flat Feet

Generally, "normal" has a broad range. The main arch in the foot sits along the inner border. The arch is...
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Leg Osteopathy

Osteomalacia: A Cause of Bone Pain

An uncommon condition, osteomalacia causes a handful of symptoms that might bring a patient into clinic. They include aches and...
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Osteopathy Whole Body

CRPS: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

CRPS is an unusual pain disorder that often develops after surgery or injury. It can be acute (under 6 months...
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Coccydynia (Tailbone Pain)

Coccydynia (Tailbone Pain) The formal name for the tailbone is the coccyx, so "coccydynia" is a direct translation of "tailbone...
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Whole Body

Delays to Joint Replacements

Delays to Joint Replacements Waiting lists for joint replacements are at an all time high, and the 18 week target...
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Head & Neck

The Stomatognathic System

The Stomatognathic System This complicated name simply refers to the mouth (stoma-) and the jaws (-gnath). Osteopaths look at the...
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Whole Body

Referred Pain

Referred Pain Sometimes pain is felt somewhere different to the area that’s caused it. We see this a lot with...
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Colic (Prolonged Infant Crying)

Colic (Prolonged Infant Crying) Colic is a difficult thing to pin down: it’s not a formal diagnosis. A newborn may...
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IBS: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS: Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS is a common condition, but it can be hard to pin down as it is...
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Osteopathy Whole Body

Self Management Basics

Self Management Basics The points made below are non-prescriptive, and intend to give an idea of the advice your osteopath...
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Osteopathy Whole Body

What is an Osteopath?

What is an Osteopath? An osteopath is a professional whose title is legally protected. This means that anyone who calls...
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Back Osteopathy Whole Body

Mythbusting in Osteopathy

Mythbusting in Osteopathy We hear a lot of misinformation in clinic, whether our patients pick it up from other medical...
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Leg Osteopathy

Perthes’ Disease

Perthes' Disease Perthes' Disease is a rare childhood disease affecting the shape of the hip joint. It eventually burns itself...
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Osteopathy Whole Body

Long Covid

Long Covid Long Covid is a poorly understood condition, and new information is still emerging. This post was last updated...
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Back Osteopathy


Reflux Acid reflux or heartburn can affect all ages. In this post we will cover both adult and infant cases...
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Arm Head & Neck Osteopathy

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis Sometimes patients will mention that they have a family history of arthritis, but they’re not sure if it’s...
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Infant Milestones

Infant Milestones Healthcare professionals use milestones to help monitor your baby's development. It is important to note that every child...
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Back Osteopathy

The Pelvic Floor

The Pelvic Floor Everyone has a pelvic floor, which is a sling of muscles at the base of the abdomen....
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Leg Osteopathy

Osgood Schlatter Disease

Osgood Schlatter Disease A common knee complaint among adolescents is Osgood Schlatter Disease (OSD). It is more prevalent among active...
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