Cranial Osteopathy for mother and baby

What is Cranial Osteopathy?

Cranial Osteopathy is a gentle, safe and effective form of treatment focusing on the ‘release’ of stress and strains from all parts of the body. It is used to treat a variety of conditions notably those caused by the build up of tension within the body, especially after child birth. Cranial Osteopathy may also be used to treat adults, however is particularly successful in the treatment of babies and children. Very specific, skilled light pressure is applied to assist the natural ability of the body to release strains. Even a normal birth can be stressful as the baby is squeezed through the birth canal. Some babies have a more difficult time, particularly if the labour is prolonged, the baby is positioned awkwardly in the birth canal or secondary intervention is used to assist the birthing process, such as Ventouse, Forceps, Episiotomy.

Benefits of Cranial Osteopathy

  • Relieves stress and strains from the skull.
  • Improves skull shape.
  • Allows for good development of the brain.
  • Relaxes the baby.
  • Improves suckling efficiency.
  • Removes trapped wind.
  • Reduces and prevents colic.
  • Improves the digestive system.
  • Helps the development of nervous system.
  • Improves sleeping pattern.

Cranial Osteopathy may help with:

Sleep Disturbance

The baby sleeps for only short periods and may sleep little in the day and night. They wake up to the slightest noise. The tension on the bony and membranous casing of the skull keeps the baby’s nervous system in a persistently alert state, so they awaken regularly.

Crying, Screaming, Irritability

The baby may be experiencing discomfort, with a feeling of pressure in the head. This may be made worse by the added pressure on the head when laying the baby down, generally due to compression strain from the birthing process.

Sickness, Colic, Wind, Reflux

Regurgitation of milk between feeds, bouts of prolonged crying due to colic and wind, normally in the evening. The nerve supply to the stomach may be irritated as it exits the skull, impairing digestion. The diaphragm may be stressed or distorted which further comprises the digestive system. Stress from a rapid or slow birth can leave the digestive system in a state of tension, trapping wind and slowing transit. Any strain through the umbilical cord, for example around the baby’s neck, can leave strains in the abdomen.

Ear Infections

Recurrent ear infections become more frequent, this may lead to glue ear and temporary loss of hearing. Retained birth compression impedes fluid drainage with blockage of the Eustachian tube. This inhibits hearing and slows development of hearing, learning, speech and communication.

Feeding Difficulties

One feed may merge into the next. The baby becomes a windy feeder, The nerves to the face muscles and tongue may be irritated as they exit the skull, which makes suckling and swallowing difficult, this is usually the result of a birth strain.


New Patient Cranial Osteopathy £65.00

Follow up Cranial Osteopathy £55.00