Emergency Osteopathy Appointments.
Weekends and evenings.
Phone or email now!
07739 828 664
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Two days after my appointment I went from agony to relative comfort.
Pain from Pregnancy
Expectant mothers often suffer in pain quietly, and assume that these pains they are suffer a common to all mums to be. The majority of pains expectant mothers live with can be treated and relieved by osteopathy.
Accidents & Injuries
With the busy life style that everyone has now adapted to it is common to suffer from bumps, falls and crashes. Osteopathy encourages the body to heal in the best way possible as well as increasing recovery time.
Sports Injuries
No matter what lever of sport an individual plays at a greater demand is placed on the body. Commonly this results in poorer performances, or even means withdrawing from participating
Age Related Pain
“Aches & Pains” is considered to most people as a part of the ageing process. Avin believes that 90% of physical pain will respond well to Osteopathy and Western Medical Acupuncture.
About Avin
Avin has a very simple and traditional approach whilst treating “Find it, Fix it, Leave it”. Prevention of problems whilst addressing existing complaints is the key to his treatment plan. He may (unless needle phobic!) use acupuncture to complement osteopathy or as a stand alone treatment.
As well as Osteopathy and Acupuncture Avin has also attended post graduate training in Functional anatomy of structures within the foot during the stance phase of the gait cycle, and prescribes orthotics to those patients that require them.
MSK Osteopathy Clinics Treatments Include

Pain from Pregnancy
Accidents & Injuries
Age Related Pain
Sciatica & Disc Problems
Sports Injuries